wrestLEgacy is a scalable legacy board game that places 3-5 players at the heart of the professional wrestling world: behind the scenes. Each game builds on previous play, with wrestlers learning new moves and skills, promoters acquiring new territories, and titles gaining extensive lineages and legacies. One pack of wrestLEgacy is designed for at least twelve unique plays where the game continues to evolve, until your custom universe is set. wrestLEgacy offers multiple territories, so you can enjoy the bravado of worldwide sports entertainment juggernauts, the wild world of lucha libre, southern 'rasslin, and/or Japanese strong style. Players can combine territories for even larger play experiences - scaling the experience up to 30 simultaneous players.
In wrestLEgacy, players manage a stable of professional wrestlers and promoters across multiple territories, issuing challenges to other players and putting bragging rights on the line for championships. Players can train their wrestlers and equip them with key objects to give them advantages in matches - from the Robe of Woo to the steel folding chair. As feuds escalate, players might issue a "loser leaves town" challenges, which will force the player to retire their wrestler or move to another play area.*
Players will train their wrestlers, changing their skill set over time. Title lineages will continue from session to session, and after multiple plays debates over the real world's champion will ensue.